You may know what is in your teas, but have you wondered why it's all there? When curating blends, we consider many factors. Our two main interests; however, are magick properties and historical benefits of each herb.
In our earlier posts (here and here), we discussed the magick properties of our blends. We’d like to share the historical benefits of our ingredients! Before we do that, we want to discuss common actions of herbs. These terms may be familiar or they may be completely alien to you! We will break it down by body system. In Ayruveda, (and elsehwere) there is a saying “as above so below”. Our very nature reflects that of nature all around us. For this reason, herbs should be viewed as a whole system rather than a single action to treat a single symptom. Contrary to Western medicine views, herbs are to be used in support with other means of healing, not as a pill to mask those symptoms. In later posts, we will discuss the key actions of each herb; however, we encourage you to do your own research and view the whole nature of an herb to see if that herb compliments your own nature. Digestion Carminatives help relieve gas and cramps. Choleretics stimulate bile secretion by the liver. Antiseptics protect against infections. Astringents tighten the inner lining of the intestines. Hepatics prevent liver damage. Bitters help stimulate digestive juices within the stomach and intestines. Laxatives stimulate bowel movements. Stomachics protect the stomach. Cholagogues help move bile into the intestines. Demulcents help soothe the digestive system and can reduce acidity. Antidiarrheals alleviates diarrhea. Antiemetics relieves nausea and vomiting. Aperitives stimulates/promotes appetite. Digestives aids digestive system. Diuretics increases urine production. Laxatives encourages peristalsis and bowel movements. Vermifuges kill or expel parasites. Stomachics tone the stomach, balance activity, and improve appetite. Parasiticides kill parasites. Lipolytics break down fats. Hepatics benefit the liver. Nervous System Nervines support and strengthen the nervous system. Tonics nourish nerves and help to restore the nervous system. Sedatives reduce nervous activity. Stimulants increase nervous activity. Relaxants help to relax the nervous system. Antidepressant: alleviates low mood, depression, and/or anxiety. Anxiolytic: reduces symptoms and feelings of anxiety. Calmative: calms. Immune System Immune modulators help the immune system to ward off infections. Anthelmintics and antiparasitics expel parasites. Antibacterials and antobiotics: kills bacteria or prevents growth. Anticatarrhals remove mucus from the body and all bodily organs. Antifungals prevent and treat fungal infections, halt fungal growth. Antihistamines prevent or reduce allergic (inflammatory) reactions. Anti-infectious fights or prevents infections. Anti-inflammatories prevent or alleviate inflammation. Antimicrobials kill and prevent growth of microbes. Antioxidants help slow/prevent cell damage from oxidation. Antiphlogistics reduce fever and/or inflammation. Antipyretics reduce fever. Antiseptics prevent the growth of microbes. Antitumors inhibit the growth of a tumor. Antitussives prevent or alleviate cough. Antivirals prevent growth of or alleviates viral infections. Bactericidals kill bacteria. Decongestants alleviate congestion in nasal passages/airways. Delobstruents remove obstruction. Demulcents soothe/relieve irritation. Depuratives and detoxicants purify and detoxify. Diaphoretics promote sweating (and therefore help manage fever). Disinfectants kill bacteria. Expectorants help lungs and bring up mucus, making coughs productive. Febrifuges reduce fever. Immunomodulators help to activate, boost, or restore normal immune function. Mucolytics loosen and clear mucus from airways. Thermogenics produce heat. Tonics restore health in general or have affinity for a particular organ. Insecticides repel and/or kill insects. Endocrine System Adaptogens support and balance the endocrine system by supporting adrenal functions. Abortifacies cause abortion. Anaphrodisiacs reduce/suppress libido. Aphrodisiacs stimulate libido. Emmenagogues promote circulation to the pelvis/uterus and stimulate menstruation. Galactagogues promote milk flow. Uterines improve the function of the uterus. Skin Analgesics relieve pain. Antineuralgics relieve pain derived from the nerves. Antipruritics relieve itching. Antiseborrheics alleviate/prevent seborrhea (excess sebum). Astringents contract/tone mucus membranes of skin. Cicatrisants prompt healing by stimulating scar tissue formation. Cytophylactics promotes growth of new cells. Cooling promotes cooling sensation on skin. Anaesthetics numb or create a loss of sensation. Emollients soften and soothe skin. Hypotonics calm and soothe. Rubefacients promote blood flow to skin, causing reddening. Anti-itch prevents or reduces allergic (inflammatory) reactions. Sudorifics promote sweating. Vulneraries promote wound healing. Circulatory system Antianemics increase the number of red blood cells or the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. Anticoagulants thin blood, reducing coagulation. Cephalics promote blood flow to the head. Circulatories aid the circulatory system. Circulatory stimulants boost circulation. Hemostatics and styptics stop bleeding. Vasoconstrictors constrict blood vessels. Vasodilators dilate blood vessels. Hypertensives increase blood pressure. Hypotensives decrease blood pressure. Musculoskeletal system Anti-arthritics relieve arthritic symptoms. Antirheumatics alleviate symptoms of rheumatism and prevent it. Antispasmodics and muscle relaxants relax muscle spasms. The products offered and information stated on this website are not intended to treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. You should consult your physician before treating yourself with teas and/or herbs, mixing them with any medications or taking them instead of prescribed medication. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, consult with your physician for diagnosis or treatment. Use teas and herbs as per instructions and always watch for any allergic reactions. The information provided by Curiositea Wellness is presented in summary form only and intended to provide broad consumer understanding and knowledge of the benefits of teas and tisanes. The information contained on www.Curiositea should not be considered complete and should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation or advice of your doctor or other health care provider. Information obtained on our site is not exhaustive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions or their treatment. Individuals who are pregnant or are considering becoming pregnant or who are nursing should not use herbs without the approval of their practitioners. If you suspect that you have a medical problem, we urge you to seek competent medical help. Some ingredients used in our blends were not produced in an allergy-free environment, therefore we can not guarantee that there are no traces of peanuts, celery, wheat, mustard or any other allergen. Any magick results have to come from within. Curiositea Wellness sells teas that align with or strengthen your intentions, but is not responsible for any results or lack thereof.
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